Moralia etc.

Senecastraat 27
1064ZJ Amsterdam
the Netherlands

Lorem Ipsum
1234 Malesuada Rex
Elemeu, AB
349—5874 XYZ


Morbi Bibendum Lorem
Aliquam Ipsum
Nulla Auctor Est Deus
Fusce Elit Pretium Rex 345
Vitae Mattis Machi

Morbi eu bibendum justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla, elit eu tempor sodales, ligula dolor dignissim sem, id tempor ipsum tellus ac neque. Nulla auctor, dui ut dignissim consecte.

Morbi eu bibendum justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla.

Moralia etc. is the professional excuse of Nikki Brörmann to indulge in applied ethics and all things moral. I love analyzing concrete moral questions that arise in everyday life, deciding on the right thing to do in a complex situation and translating proper principles into decent policies.

Most of my time is spent as an integrity advisor for the Dutch Ministry. Besides my day job, I work as a volunteer for AutiRoze,  I teach here and there (HKU and Sandberg) or work on projects such as Philosophy for the People.

Before working at the Ministry, I worked as an international advocacy officer for COC Netherlands and as an integrity trainer and advisor for Governance & Integrity.

The rest of my time I spend on building & driving my electric van Frida, preferably to the beach with my lover(s) and mini-sausagedog Bos, reading, talking and thinking more about morality and life, dancing to good music, climbing, surfing or just walking through the city of Amsterdam.

drs. D.D.A. (Nikki) Brörmann

Moralia etc. is the semi-professional excuse of Nikki Brörmann to engage in applied ethics and all things moral. 
read more here.


MacGuffin is a design & crafts magazine, with stories about the life of ordinary things, often anonymously designed. Like the MacGuffins in Hitchcock films, these things are not the main characters, but the plot devices that set the story in motion.

Issue N° 1 (‘The Bed’) is all about the amazing backstage stories that revolve around our beds, for which I wrote a piece on the dream argument by Descartes. The words function as a note to the incredible visual work by Ola Lanko, also depicted in the magazine.

Lorem Est. Morbi eu bibendum justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla, elit eu tempor sodales, ligula dolor dignissim sem, id tempor ipsum tellus ac neque. Nulla auctor, dui ut dignissim consecte. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla, elit eu.