Morbi eu bibendum justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla, elit eu tempor sodales, ligula dolor dignissim sem, id tempor ipsum tellus ac neque. Nulla auctor, dui ut dignissim consecte.
Morbi eu bibendum justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla.
The Allegory of Concrete
The Grey Space In the Middle organized a finnisage for the Open Space residency of choreographer Amparo González Sola. Open Space is a residency program that shows the artistic process as an ongoing exhibition.
Sola’s residency focused on her work La Conspiración de las Formas (The Conspiracy of Forms). In this long-term project, she investigates the changing relationship between human and matter. It addresses the question how we relate to the world we built. Read and watch more here.
The finnisage was to be a gift to her and consisted of an artistic dinner, a sound piece performed by Stephanie Pan, an essay read by me and a panel talk.
You can download the essay here.
Lorem Est. Morbi eu bibendum justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla, elit eu tempor sodales, ligula dolor dignissim sem, id tempor ipsum tellus ac neque. Nulla auctor, dui ut dignissim consecte. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium tempus lacus in posuere. Aenean fringilla, elit eu.